How sustainable is Aenae?

Environmental sustainability is a topic that is close to our heart, and here at Aenae we passionately do everything we can as a business to minimise our carbon footprint.

But the road to net zero is long!

Here is what we are already doing to make our operations as a marketing service provider more sustainable and eco-friendly.

Office: Energy

  • Having a home office means no CO2 emissions from commuting!

  • The office is lit by LEDs and energy-efficient light bulbs, making our lighting more energy efficient.

  • We use green electricity - supplied by Octopus. This means all of our electricity comes from 100% renewable sources like sun, wind and water!

  • Devices get turned off at the end of the day - a habit our founder, Ellie, had since her first year as an office worker. “No screens on standby on my watch!”

  • We are housed in a building with an EPC rating of B. This is an 85 rating out of 100, with the average in England being 60.

Office: Equipment

  • Ellie’s office chair has been obtained second-hand.

  • Where notes are not digital, we use recycled paper notebooks.

  • Any packaging from online orders and consumables gets composted or recycled through curbside recycling or plastic packaging recycling by Abel & Cole. We take anything that can’t fit in either of these categories to our closest recycling centre or we send them to Terracycle through dedicated schemes, in order to send as little as possible to landfill.

Web Services

  • We use Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees as you search! Aenae has 56 trees planted and counting as of June 2023 🌳 Ecosia is a non-profit and can never be bought. They are CO2-negative organisation and switching to Ecosia is an easy way to plant trees and help fight global warming!

  • Our domain services are provided by Krystal - They use 100% renewable energy and partner with some fantastic initiatives such as Ecologi and Trees for Life. They are climate positive and the UK's only B Corp web hosting/cloud provider. Aenae’s forest is already 15 trees strong since switching in 2023.

And there is more to do!

  • Push other suppliers for better environmental policy - we use Squarespace for web hosting and Ember for accounting.
    Squarespace claims: “We host our services in data centres, and with industry-leading cloud computing vendors including Amazon and Google, who have reached or will soon reach 100% renewable energy”.

  • Continue the search for an alternative bank that are more ethical and supports international payments.

  • Calculate and offset the carbon emitted by all of Aenae’s operations.


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